Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This is my Full Wolf Moon dream board for January.
Jamie picks the full moon of each month for us to share our dreams.

 I collected these images because they spoke loudly to me.
The story they tell me is to let go and release negative energy.  To find a way to not be so lonely any more. And to get back to creativity. I feel I have been living inside of my head so long. It is time to vent. Open my mouth and release the energy. Get out my journal and write. Blog, etc.

 I find my dreams are not for monetary things. They are for knowledge , guidance , wisdom, fun, laughter, friendship, & Love.

I find there is so much energy you can get from analyzing the photos you choose. Doing a dream board is much like the wisdom or healing journals I use to do. Each creation tells a story. It may differ to each person who looks at it. But to me the message are wisdom. Some thing we need to see or hear.

With today being a full wolf moon. to me a wolf is loyal and family orientated. They are wild and free. But also a group of kind souls. They do know when it is time for there kids to stand up and be responsible. But they are very much there for support. Even if it is only a smile. 
Most of the images I used came from national geographic magazine. The face I use the eye I drew in the post below to create a digital face.


  1. Very interesting, well-organized blog to which I want to go back there and back.

    Best wishes

  2. I love the crone looking out of the window. It is as if she is there to look back over the future you are creating. A Wise Womyn Guide.

    May all your dreams come true.

  3. I love your dream board. It has a great message, but at the same time it is clever, and funny, too.

    May all of your dreams come true.


  4. I love the animal use. I understand 'living in my head' ... I was there, maybe still am a bit. I'm glad you will journal. I wish all your dreams come true. ~M

  5. A very clear and powerful board. I love the image of the big cat with her mouth wide open. Here's to dreams coming true!

  6. Lovely dreamboard. May your dreams come true!

  7. Very strong images! Great dreamboard - may all your dreams be fulfilled this month!

  8. Powerful dreams - may each one unfold effortlessly :)
