Friday, April 22, 2011


Luke is very reliable, responsible & kind.  He has allot of quality's I have had most of my life. I gave him a clown costume as he is a suit and tie kind of guy. But he is a  workaholic.  So I had to give him a taste of fun,  He can also be a nurse, so he may be good for your health. He is for me. So I had a bit of thought. I really like the new version of me. I may be a bit more slack than I was in my younger days. I just know now. Life should be more than work. There needs to be balance. But what I can see from getting this card for me. I do need to regain a bit more control of my life. And prepare for a changing future.
I do need to put music back into my life.  I love the creative artsy side. But I just need a push. I have responsibility overload syndrome.  I am responsible for every thing.  And some times wish for some one else to take on some of the load.
But I find now that I can see my thoughts more clearly now. I have learned not to judge good or bad. A thought is just a thought. Act on it or let it go. I have had some insecurity's but find it is only my mind judging. It is my ego holding on to things that have been said or done. It is my need for love. That has caused my feeling alone. But I find when you let go of mind chatter and let your true self take control of your mind. Nothing is an issue. Nothing is a problem. So This card should be good for me. As I am now wise enough to decide what is a need or desire. I do not have may desires. I have always put needs first.


  1. How about guilt. How does a person let go of that!
    Any help would be welcome..

  2. Forgiveness is the answer. You have to forgive yourself. And accept what has been done is over. You can not change the past. You can only change how you feel about it right now.

  3. Note:“Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.”

    Peter McWilliams quotes

  4. I have a new saying
    "it is what it is"
    to me it means we have all made decisions and done what has to be done. We are the product of our choices. WE must learn from them and move on. But we are who we are because of them, so embrace them and know that we are all perfect as we are.
    I know easier said than done, but I am getting there.

  5. You are doing a lot of inner work, Grammy. Bless you on your journey. You are not alone.
